Do small things have an important role to play in SEO?
Certainly, you won’t hold an opposing view to the question above. But so do big things. And sweating the small stuff takes a lot of our valuable time every now and then, that we ignore to recognise the massive gorilla that has been crushing our Google rankings.
Favourably, running an SEO audit on your website will not only prevent these gorillas to wreak havoc on your google rankings, but overwhelm you with numerous ideas to improve your search traffic.
Why do you need an SEO audit?
Conducting an SEO-audit is the best possible way to identify why your SEO campaign is not functioning. If truth be told, it seems to be the first activity that an agency is likely to engage in when bringing on a new client. An SEO audit reveals useful ways for you to adopt so you can boost your SEO campaign.
Doing a website SEO audit is crucial for several reasons. For one, it helps you identify weak points in your campaign that are not allowing you to attract search traffic. Your performance is greatly affected, but using the right SEO audit tool will become a boon for you as if your performance was never affected.
Let’s examine 6 simple tips for performing a quick SEO audit for your site
When you’ll follow these tips, you won’t have to move heaven and earth. Don’t you forget that a rewarding SEO campaign is the result of several hundreds of positive ranking factors. And that it why it becomes important for you to analyse every minute detail of your campaign. Well, you don’t have to be a master, but at least you can strive to become one.
TIP #1: Are Their Any Strategic Objectives? If Yes What They Are
The first and foremost thing you need to keep in mind is your goal which revolves around determining what your long-term goals are for your SEO campaign as well as business.
What is SEO, you ask? It’s just a marketing channel allowing you to grow your business. That’s why strategic objectives should be what your business is striving to achieve through SEO.
When you have clear Strategic Objectives they keep your campaign in one direction and allow you to attain your set goals.
When you have clear Strategic Objectives they keep your campaign in one direction and allow you to attain your set goals.
Have a strategic objective already? If so then this is right time for some reviewing.
Are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) your objectives?
If not, it becomes a must for you to perfect them.
If Strategic Objectives are what you’re running short of (for your campaign), it’s time you create them all and get rolling.
TIP #2: Learn To Crawl Before You Walk
Prior to diagnosing a number of problems with the website, it becomes important for you to know what actually you are dealing with. Hence, the most crucial step (and the first one, of course) is to crawl the entire website.
Well, a number of manual checks will be carried out on the site, but first it’s important to start a website crawl running in the background.
What does an SEO crawler do? It spiders the site in the same way as Google does and give useful information not only on structure, but current SEO setup as well.
You can use Beam Us Up for the crawl (a free SEO audit tool), but using Screaming Frog’s SEO Site Auditor is another option (Note – it’s chargeable).
The crawler will be working in the background while the audit is in process.
TIP #3: Check That Only 1 Version Of The Website Can Be Browsed
It’s vital to consider every possible way if someone types your site into a browser (or possibly link to it).
Here’s an SEO audit example:
- http://yourdomain.com
- https://yourdomain.com
- http://www.yourdomain.com
- https://www.yourdomain.com
Only one of the mentioned above should be available in a browser. The other 3 should be 301 redirected to the recognised version.
TIP #4: Do The Keyword Analysis
You need to check your current set of keywords meticulously before carrying out an SEO audit.
There’s a question that you cannot afford to ignore i.e. “Are you targeting the right keywords?”
Many times it’s been noticed that the keywords some businesses are looking forward to are way beyond their league. Professional SEO audit services will help you decide upon the quality of your keywords.
In fact, it’ll be good for your campaign to scrutinise your set of keywords. Doing this every quarter will be advantageous to you in every possible way.
Note – Avoid spreading your resources across numerous keywords. Just segregate your winners and grab those.
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TIP #5: Time To Check Home Page SEO Manually
There are some fundamentals you need to consider on home page SEO. Let’s begin by asking some questions:
- Does the pain consist of skillfully constructed title? Does it comply with SEO best practices?
- Is there a custom meta description? Is it enhanced for improving click-through rates (CTRs)?
- Is there one instance of the H1 tag? Does it comply with the best SEO practices?
- Are subheaders (H2, H3 and others) used in a proper manner and complying with the best SEO practices?
TIP #6: Make Sure Content Is Unique
Google HATES duplicate or copied content.
You would know that too much of duplicate content can be detrimental to your website as it can be crushed by Panda.
Don’t forget that content repeated across several pages on your website is something you will never want to feed your site with. But it can take an ugly turn when it seems duplicated on other sites as well. You can figure out potential duplicate content effortlessly across the web with a premium Copyscape account.
Also recommended to read
Woah! That was pretty long. What’s above is the SEO audit checklist that will allow you to perform an SEO audit for your website.
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