Mobile phones are everywhere now. Around 2 billion of the total population uses mobile phones to get by. Mobile devices are like small computing devices that help you do almost everything a computer can. The advancement in technology has reduced its size to a bare minimum. This success has pushed the world into developing better and ever improving operating systems for mobile devices and especially Smartphone devices. Android, Symbian, iOS, Blackberry, and Windows are all powerful platforms to build on but choosing between most can be confusing However Google’s Android platform has seen the most development and rise throughout it shortage and that is why you should look into it before anything else. We will have a look at the ‘why’ in a minute. There are multiple operating systems powering our mobile devices today. Android is the most easily accessible and user-friendly to use. Android App development companies in Sydney like Nemco develops most stunning apps for businesses around the world that run on Android devices.
Android has its kinks and still has risen to the top due to many of its functionalities and benefits over others let’s look at what they are and why an Android app for your business will be very useful for you.
Android has its kinks and still has risen to the top due to many of its functionalities and benefits over others let’s look at what they are and why an Android app for your business will be very useful for you.
✓ When you are investing in something you don’t have much knowledge about, going for obvious factors like market share can be an eye opener for you. Android app developers in Sydney make a lot of money using this knowledge as their base. Android’s market share is around 80% in the total Mobile platform market. The rest is shared by other popular platforms. This means when you build an app for android your customer base is huge and whatever your business is it will be delivered to a majority of Smartphone users. When the potential downloader’s increase for your app so does the chances for you to make a profit.
✓ Android is relatively easy to learn. Compared to other OS around, android development makes it very easy for new Android App development companies in Sydney like Nemco develops most stunning apps for businesses around the world that run on Android devices... Android apps developers in Sydney make a lot of money.velopers to learn. Even the beginner android app developers in Sydney make a decent buck while developing apps for small businesses.
✓ Android is open source making it free to use. No licensing required and that directly excludes all the cost that goes into buying the SDK (Software development Kit). As we learned before it is easier to become an android developer you can easily hire cheap android app developers who can get you started on your app and hire an expert only if you need one or if you need any advanced features. This way you save a lot of costs.
✓ Android is compatible with many different types of devices. Compatibility is its biggest USP. Android has also reduced the cost of mobile phones to a relatively low price range and this has enabled almost everyone e around the world to afford a mobile device that can share information like Text, Images, and Videos
Android has made it possible for businesses of any size to have an app and hence the saying ‘there’s an app for everything these days’. The statistics show that mobile users will grow to almost 3 billion by 2020, so it's better you get started with your app and make hay while the sun is still shining.
Android has made it possible for businesses of any size to have an app and hence the saying ‘there’s an app for everything these days’. The statistics show that mobile users will grow to almost 3 billion by 2020, so it's better you get started with your app and make hay while the sun is still shining.
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