So, you are looking for things to sell on eBay and you want to be a successful eBay entrepreneur? It could be a nice little side earner for you, or ideally, it could turn into a fulltime job that you make your living from. You create beautiful eBay listings, work hard on optimizing the keywords in your title, offer a competitive price, and then – Nothing happens. No sales are coming in because your listings don’t get enough traffic.
eBay is aware of this issue. It has been working on a solution for the problem. They recently released a solution for this as “eBay Promoted listings”. It is a way to promote your eBay listings for money.
eBay is aware of this issue. It has been working on a solution for the problem. They recently released a solution for this as “eBay Promoted listings”. It is a way to promote your eBay listings for money.
eBay Promoted listings is an advertising service that allows eBay sellers to place the merchandise from eligible categories in front of more buyers when they’re actively searching on eBay
Moderate performers
New listings
Seasonal items
Moderate performers
New listings
Seasonal items
The visibility of your products is increased as well as the chances of a sale. You can surpass your competition with eBay promoted listings. Just like Google’s Adwords, they help you to push your listings to the top of eBay search results.
All information is automatically pulled from your listing to promoted listing such as primary photo, listing title, price, and format. Any changes you make are automatically updated in the promoted listing. It is currently available to all active eBay Stores subscribers on eBay US, UK, Germany, and Australia. eBay store design should make note of this point.

setting up an eBay Store
Don’t use the service to push items that are not selling well organically—i.e. the slow-moving merchandise. Promoted listings are an investment and that should only be made for selling more of your hot inventory converting them into higher-performing items. This helps kickstarting sales for new listings and standing out in the crowd.
Your listing will appear on the 4th and 5th spots in search results and a special section on the item page. They are now reserved exclusively for promoted listings.
Your promoted listings ads may also appear in various locations around the site, including on the search results page of the eBay site.
Your promoted listings ads may also appear in various locations around the site, including on the search results page of the eBay site.
Your ads may also appear on both desktop and mobile search results. On premium placements within search results On premium placements on view item page. Your promoted listings ads may appear on the search results page of the eBay site where you are registered (US, UK, Germany, or Australia) and are limited to that site alone. Ads don’t appear on additional sites or through cross-border trade, international site visibility, or Global Shipping Program participation. Promoted listing ads are multiscreen, they appear on desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones. Open eBay store may also follow a similar style.
Conclusion: Spending some cast to list good products on top may help bring way more traffic to your listing and make your selling catalog a hot one. Analyse your products well before investing in listings.
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